Crocosmia red king

Trechtervormige bloem met geel hart, zwaardvormig bla knol, rijkbloeien droge warme plek, goede drainage, . Deze plant heeft nog geen omschrijving. U kan deze info zelf aanvullen met een MijnTuin.

Vaste planten, Crocosmia Red King een bonte kleurenexplosie: dat zijn Monbretia's in felgeel of oranje! Struiken in stralende zonnekleuren die prachtig te . Crocosmia × crocosmiiflora 'Red King' - Montbretia met foto's en info over hoe stekken, zaaien, vermeerderen, wanneer bemesten. A vibrant Crocosmia which will look great planted alone, or as part of a collection.

Vibrant red flowers are produced profusely throughout the summer.

Welcome to the famous Dave's Garden website. Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants. Podrobný popis produktu Crocosmia Red King - montbrécie. MONTBRÉCII pěstovaly již naše babičky a byla velmi oblíbenou zahradní trvalkou.

Crocosmia Scarlatti A robust-growing Crocosmia with medium-size sidewards-facing, clean bright re trumpet-shaped flowers on upright stems. Montbretia, along with Crocosmia masoniorum (Crocosmia 'Marcotijn'), and some forms ofCrocosmia pottsii (including 'Red King' and 'Red Star') spread readily. Montbretie Red King - relativ anspruchslose schlanke Staude mit leuchtend roten Blüten, bedingt winterhart. Buy herbaceous perennial Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'Red King' from Kevock Garden Plants. When looking up Red King on retail site, it compared it to Lucifer, only smaller.

Point being, since Lucifer is like Red King and itfull sun, . Find help and information on Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'Red King' Montbretia, including varieties and pruning advice. Supplied as x Fresh and Healthy flowering size BULBS. Many more plants and bulbs listed DAILY.


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